A happy work life balance is good for you and your business

Running a business is extremely hard work and sometimes unpredictable. But if you play your cards right, you can have the most rewarding job in the world. This advice is designed to help you overcome challenges, choose the right technology and find the perfect work life balance.

Here is a guide to creating a great work life balance from Sage, Software for Business.

As people’s lives become busier and technology means we are never out of contact, finding a balance between work and home can be difficult. Our guide offers practical advice on how to balance everything in your life.

  • Achieving a work life balance can be difficult when you run your own business, especially if you’re a one-man band. The buck stops with you and it can be hard to switch off.

But many people go into business to improve their work life balance and to have more control. According to research by theFederation of Small Businesses (FSB), 69.4% of small business owners started up so that they could have greater independence and freedom in their working life.

But it’s not easy. The FSB research also shows that many small business owners work very long hours — 22% of respondents said they worked more than 60 hours a week.

And thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever to stay connected to your business — making it harder to switch off in the evening and at weekends.

Increasingly, entrepreneurs achieve a balance by integrating work and home rather than ruthlessly setting boundaries. The beauty of running your own business is that you make the rules so you can break out of the normal routine and make your work fit into your lifestyle.

Our guide offers advice on how to balance your work life and home life:

  • Signs that your life is off-balance
  • How to get the balance right
  • Setting boundaries
  • Prioritising work
  • Asking for help
  • Apps that could help
  • How to manage your time

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