13 properties for rent or buy
found within miles
of Pudsey


To Let
£17,500 / pa
£1,458 / month

Pudsey, LS28 7LD

Retail | 665 SQ.FT

To Let
£45,000 / pa
£3,750 / month

Leeds, LS13 2ET

Retail | 2,458 SQ.FT

To Let
£8,000 / pa
£667 / month

Bradford, BD4 8ET

Retail | 469 SQ.FT

To Let

Bradford, BD4 7QX

Retail | 736-2,594 SQ.FT

To Let
£14,000 / pa
£1,167 / month

Bradford, BD2 4ST

Retail | 882 SQ.FT

To Let

Leeds, LS12 6HJ

Retail | 1,830 SQ.FT

To Let

Leeds, LS18 5NL

Retail | 100 SQ.FT

To Let

Bradford, BD1 1TU

Retail | 200 SQ.FT

To Let
£30,000 / pa
£2,500 / month

Bradford, BD1 3HT

Retail | 4,154 SQ.FT

To Let
£12,500 / pa
£1,042 / month

Bradford, BD1 3JH

Retail | 947 SQ.FT

To Let
£25,000 / pa
£2,083 / month

Bradford, BD7 1AL

Retail | 3,861 SQ.FT

To Buy

Bradford, BD8 7JA

Retail | 4,764 SQ.FT

To Let
£40,000 / pa
£3,333 / month

Bradford, BD7 1AZ

Retail | 2,677 SQ.FT

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