3 properties for rent or buy
found within miles
of Inverness

Inverness centre and north, the Longman, North Kessock, Kilmuir

Nestled in the breath-taking scenery of the Scottish Highlands, Inverness is Britain’s most northern city and Scotland’s city with the highest-ranked quality of life. Inverness has transport links to the whole of Scotland as well as major cities in the rest of the UK as well as a very busy port and airport. The city is now a hive for high-tech business – which has taken over from the traditional distilleries – making modern commercial property facilities available if you choose to base yourself there.


To Let
£22,000 / pa
£1,833 / month

Inverness, IV1 1TY

Industrial | 2,154 SQ.FT

To Let
£25,000 / pa
£2,083 / month

Inverness, IV3 8AB

Industrial | 6,389 SQ.FT

To Let
Starting From £21,000 / pa
£1,750 / month

Inverness, IV3 8DU

Industrial | 2,618-2,619 SQ.FT

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